Dattakala College of Management

Promises an exciting and comprehensive educational experience

Dattakala College of Management will provide students the skills, knowledge and learning experience to help you succeed. Our pathways are relevant, hands-on and of high quality. Student will also benefit from smaller class sizes and lots of personal attention by staff who are committed and aware of industries needs.

Our Goals

♦ To establish center of excellence in technical Education
♦ Academic development of Institute
♦ To establish strong and active industry academia relationship.
♦ All –round personality development of student
♦ Industry-Institute Interaction Training for faculty members and students.

Director Desk

Education is the gatekeeper. You need to get skills, knowledge, and opportunities to move forward. Read More...


Dr.Sharad Karne

Director, DKGOI



Teaching Staff

Central Library


Education is the gatekeeper. You need to get skills, knowledge, and opportunities to move forward.


Dr.Sharad Karne


My greatest inspiration is when a student finally understands a concept they never thought they could learn, and they give me the ' Wow, I can do this!' look.


Prof.Deshmukh Sir

Academic Dean

If you're interested in transformation, you've come to the right place. Be open to the disequilibrium and trust the process.


Prof.Magar Sir

Exam Controlar